As for Me and My Nation

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Our beautiful nation, the United States of America, has been born out of a covenant with God that our forefathers made, and God never forgets a covenant. We have been in a season where the enemy has been giving his best shot to take away our God-given liberties, spiritually and naturally. Therefore, this is a time when the Church needs to arise and take her place in one of the most historic battles our nation has faced in a long time. We are in a divine Esther moment where God is extending His scepter of authority to His Church to partner and agree with the good plan He has for America.

One of the most significant battles we have faced is over our freedom of speech. We must use our mouths as a powerful weapon to PRAY and DECLARE the will of the Lord over this nation. We also need to have the boldness and courage to speak the truth whenever necessary. We are the salt and light of this nation and world, and we hold the keys to our nation’s destiny. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Life and death are in the power of the tongue…” If we don’t use our freedom of speech, we could lose our freedom of speech! Therefore let’s declare the word of the Lord over our nation and refuse to be silenced.

We are in exciting days where we will SEE many of our favorite Bible stories played out in real time. We will SEE the Lord fight on our behalf and bring great defeat to the powers of darkness. We will SEE His glory and His goodness fill our nation and world as God stands and fights for His saints. As a nation, we have an unfinished assignment, and I am confident that our “best days are yet to come!

Pages: 284
ISBN: 979-8988701804
Publication: October 31, 2023

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