The Lines Have Been Drawn

On August 4th, 2023, my husband Jim and I were driving back from a dinner/shopping date when we saw this very unusual scene in the clouds. The clouds had literally formed a straight line between the dark clouds and the lighter ones. I had never seen anything like that. I knew God was showing me something in the clouds about where we are spiritually in this nation. My phone could not really do the picture justice because the distinct line was as far as we could see in either direction.

Later as I was contemplating what I saw in the sky that night, I remembered how I had previously heard prophetic voices declare that God was going to give us prophetic pictures that spoke to us even in the sky. I have seen people post pictures that look like angels or even lions and many other significant formations in the clouds. I too felt the picture I saw had much significance, which I will explain:

We have all heard the phrase, “the battle lines have been drawn.” We have seen over the past several years in our nation that the division between light and darkness has become clearer than ever. I remember one such time a few years ago seeing a vision of the Capitol building and how leaders were clearly choosing sides between darkness and light. I remember another vision in which I saw a group on the left and a group on the right facing off one another. What was interesting about that vision was that I saw some people who followed leaders on the left start to wake up to the lies they were being told by their leaders, and I saw some leaving and joining the side of the right.

I believe that for the most part the leadership of the Democratic Party has moved into a place of darkness where they have been standing for things of darkness. They have clearly demonstrated that they are willing to lie, cheat, and steal to get their way in just about everything they want. Their party has clearly chosen to stand with things that the Bible has made clear is wrong. Some examples would be abortion, the redefining of God’s standard for marriage, the push for sexual immorality in our children, false accusation and false witness which has perverted our justice system, etc. We thought the Republican party was standing for more righteous things and that is true for some of the Republicans, but we have also found some RINOS in their camp (Republicans in Name Only) which have an agenda that is not on the side of God. Therefore, the lines that have been currently drawn, not only in America, but around the world, are becoming much clearer now that people are making choices to stand with darkness (the devil’s agenda) or to stand with God (God’s agenda). There are less and less gray areas.

My Love for the Colors Black and White

I love black and white—really, I do. I love black and white clothes, shoes, and I love the combination black and white in cars! However, I have come to understand that my natural love of these colors is very much my spiritual personality. Let me explain:

I do not understand gray areas. I joke about it, but it is true. I am the kind of person who wants to know—really wants to know—where God is standing on a matter and that is where I want to be standing. Some people might think I’m legalistic, which is not my desire at all. I just want to know where God stands on a matter and that is where I want to stand because I know that God is always right! 

Apparently Jesus feels the same way about gray areas. Jesus calls this “lukewarm.” In Revelation 3:16, this is what Jesus says to the Church of Laodicia, “So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.” Evidently the Laodicians would not even choose a side; perhaps they wanted to just fit in and not upset anyone!

Our enemy loves to blur the lines and make it hard to see which is the dark side and which is the light side. He can sow tares and mixture into something and make it confusing for some. An example of “blurring the lines” would be the push for abortion at any time and calling it “women’s health” and blatantly ignoring the health and life of a precious baby. Abortion is the taking of an innocent life in the womb which should be protected. In our day and age of modern medicine in which most people have childbirth within the safety of a hospital with trained professionals, it is very rare for a woman to suffer long term physical complications from childbirth. However, many people suffer emotionally and sometimes even physically from abortions that they regret later. Yes, there is pain involved in the childbirth process. However, is it worth it? A thousand times YES! Our children are our most valuable treasures!

The Bible warns about calling good evil and evil good. The devil likes to bring confusion by using terminology that changes the definition of something. We must always seek God for truth in all areas and not be easily deceived.

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

-Isaiah 5:20

Another blurring of the lines would be the border. A border is supposed to be a boundary that separates between two places. People who are not citizens are supposed to enter our nation with the proper legal process required. When we buy a piece of property, there are boundary lines that say that we have rights to our property. It is not okay for your neighbor to try to build his shed on your property unless you gave him permission to do so.

Another evil agenda we have been facing is the gender insanity confusion. We must understand that God created two genders: male and female. Father God chooses our gender. We don’t get to choose that one. Another example is that God chose to make us a human, and not some kind of animal. We don’t get to choose that one either. However, what we GET TO CHOOSE is whether we are going to stand with God or the devil. Choosing God will never disappoint us. God says in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has a very good plan for our lives!

We need to choose God and trust Him. His side is ALWAYS the right side. Don’t allow culture and woke politics to decide for us what to believe. We must hold fast to the Word of God and always choose God’s truth no matter how unpopular it may be in current times!

God’s Church is Choosing Sides

The lines are also being drawn for the Church—whether we will cave to the wokeness or choose to stand on God’s biblical truth. Some churches are choosing to play it safe and not engage in the political and cultural battles we are facing. However, I believe God needs us more than ever to be that salt and light, to be God’s voice to address what is right and wrong, and to prophetically discern who God is calling to lead our nation and who He has not anointed for it. God has and will always give His people insight and discernment into our current cultural wars. We must choose God’s side even if we face persecution. We must be courageous at this time!

God is currently dealing with corruption in His Church just like He is in our government. We have been seeing the unraveling of some churches whose leadership chose to use their position to take advantage of those they should have been protecting. It is important that God’s leaders take seriously their call to lead God’s people with truth and integrity. It is important that leaders understand their call to serve, and it is never okay to take advantage of God’s people or to purposely lead them away from God’s truths and standards.

In I Kings 18 in the Bible, we read about how the prophet Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal. He would build an altar for the one true God and the prophets of Baal would build an altar for Baal. The true God would answer by consuming the sacrifice on the altar by fire. Elijah challenged the people of Israel that it was time to choose who they were going to serve—God or Baal. In this story, our God answered by fire and there was a great victory that day against the false prophets of Baal.

Joshua gave a similar challenge to the people of Israel when he knew his time had come to die. Like a good parent, Joshua spoke his final words to the children of Israel admonishing them to follow God with their whole heart:

Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord! And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

—Joshua 24:14-15

We are in a similar battle in our world, our nation, and even our personal lives. God is having people choose who they are going to follow. We must choose God! The darkness is easy to recognize these days and we don’t want to stand with it in any way. God is promising us that He is fighting for us against this dark army, and we will soon see justice take place. Let’s continue to pray and stand for what we know to be God’s truth and righteousness. The good news is that our God always wins!

When we choose God’s side of light, we can expect God’s love, protection, and goodness over our lives:

The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Yes, I have a good inheritance.”

—Psalm 16:6

God’s ways and standards will always lead us to abundant life. The enemy leads us into destruction. Though the battle may be intimidating at times. choose to stand for what you know is right unashamedly! All of heaven is backing us up and cheering us on!

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